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前沿论题前沿论题 年第 期 2014 6 当代时尚的演进: 时尚符号与生态的依存与互动 ☉宁 晓 [摘 要]时尚的存活需要依托于生态环境的健康发展,在当代,人们越来越关注生态问题,生态意义不 仅是时尚符号必须考虑的价值因素,同时也应当成为时尚形成和创新的新思路。 在社会环境和人们观念的不 断演变中,时尚将受到怎样的影响,将如何改变;借助时尚对生活的入侵,能否为生态建设产生积极意义。 本 文运用符号学理论,理清当代时尚的转变形式,试图找出时尚在当代的转变原因及其趋势。 [关键词]时尚符号;生态;符号学 [中图分类号] [文献标识码] [文章编号] ( ) HO A 1674-6848 2014 05-0036-06 [作者简介]宁 晓( —), 女,贵州六盘水人,四川大学符号学 传媒学研究所驻所研究员,主要从事 1987 - 时尚符号学研究。 ( 四川成都 610064 ) Title: The Evolution of Contemporary Fashion: Interdependence and Interactive between Fashion Symbol and Ecological Author : Ning Xiao Abstract : The survival of fashion depends on sound development of the ecological environment. In mod- ern times, people are paying more attention to the ecology. The significance of ecology is not only a value factor that fashion symbol must be considered, but also became a fashionable formation and innovation ideas at the same time. What is the fashions future and how will the fashion be affected with the unceasing evolution of social environment and the human ideas? With the aid of the fashions invasion, whether there is a positive significance for the ecological construction. This article uses the semiotic theory and perspective to clarify the transition of the fashion and tries to find the cause of transition and the trend of the fashion at the present time. Keywords: fashion symbol ;ecology ;semiology 一、时尚、生态、人之间的依存与互动


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