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Amateur[??m?t?(r)] Naturalists[?n?t?r?l?st] Ecologists[i:?k?l?d??sts] are using a wealth of unusual data to predict he impact of climate change. 生态学家们通过大量民间数据来预测气候变化带来的影响 a wealth of Sn.大量;丰富 If you say that someone or something has a wealth of good qualities or things, you are emphasizing that they have a very large number or amount of them. FORMAL 正式 ...such a wealth of creative expertise[?eksp?:?ti:z]... 如此丰富的创造性Un.专门技能 The city boasts[b??st]v.有,拥有(值得骄傲的成就或财产) a wealth of beautiful churches. 这座城市拥有众多美丽的教堂 A: Tim Sparks slides a small leather-bound装订的 notebook out of an envelope[?env?l??p]. Tim Sparks从信封里取出了一本皮面笔记本 slide out of The book’s yellowing pages contain beekeeping notes made between 1941 and 1969 by the late Walter Coates of Kilworth, Leicestershire. 笔记本的纸页已经微微泛黄,它记载了在Kilworth, Leicestershire居住的已故的养蜂人Walter Coates从1941年到1969年间的养蜂记录 late adj.已故的;已逝的;(尤指)新近去世的 You use late when you are talking about someone who is dead, especially someone who has died recently. His growing pile[pa?l] of local journals 他那堆越来越多的地方日报 a pile of “We’re uncovering about one major new record each month.” “我们每个月都会发现一个新的记录” uncover v.揭露,发现(隐秘之事) If you uncover something, especially something that has been kept secret, you discover or find out about it. Auditors[??:d?t?(r)] said they had uncovered evidence of fraud... 审计人员说他们已经发现了欺诈的证据 A specific plot to kill him was uncovered in the past couple of weeks. 一个针对他的暗杀阴谋在过去几周里被揭露了出来 v.发现,发掘(地下埋藏之物)When people who are digging somewhere uncover something, they find a thing or a place that has been under the ground for a long time. Archaeologists[?ɑ:ki??l?d??st] have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska[??l?sk?]. 考古学家们在阿拉斯加发现了一个距今11,700年的狩猎营地 v.揭开…的盖子;除去…上的覆盖物 To uncover something means to remove something that is covering it. When the seedlings[?si:dl??] sprout[spra?t], uncover the tray[tre?]. 秧苗发芽后,就把盘子上的盖子拿掉 When the first wood anemones[??nem?ni] flowered, the dates on which the oaks[??k] burst in



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