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第24 卷第6 期 食 品 与生 物 技 术学 报 Vol. 24 No . 6 2005 年 11 月 Journal of Food Scienceand Biotechnology Nov. 2005 : 2005) 果胶及果胶酶研究进展 1 1, 2 1 1 薛长湖, 张永勤 , 李兆杰 , 李志军 ( 1. 中国海洋大学生命科学与技术部, 山东 青岛266003; 2. 青岛科技大学生物与制药工程系, 青岛266042) : 果胶分子是由HGARG和RG3 个结构区 构成, 后二者为结构复杂的杂多糖成 分, 因此参与果胶分解的酶类也是复杂多样的, 逐渐延伸了果胶酶概念的内涵. 其应用已不再停留 在最初的食品加工上, 而是在纺织造纸化妆品等行业都有所发展, 在天然产物提取以及果胶低 聚糖的生理活性研究等方面也有了阶段性的进展, 果胶酶的固定化研究也在逐步深入. : 果胶; 果胶酶; 丁聚糖; 固定化 : Q 55 : A Recent Development of Pectin and Pectolytic Enzyme 1 1, 2 1 1 XU E Ch nghu , ZHAN G Yongqin , LI Zh ojie , LI Zhijun ( 1. Division of Life Science, Oce n University of Chin , Qingd o 266003, Chin ; 2. Dep rtment of Biologic l Ph rm ceutic l Engineering, Qingd o University of Science nd T echnology, Qingd o 266042, Chin ) Abstract:Pectin encomp ss group of cidic heteropoly s cch rides w ith three structur l dom ins: homog l ctur on n ( H GA ) , rh mnog l ctur on nI ( RGI) nd rh mnog l ctur on n II ( RGII) , cov lently linked to one nother. The pectolytic enzymes re of gr e t v riety, the definition of w hich h d been extended. The pectolytic enzymes c n be used in textile, p per, nd cosmetic industries in ddition to its uses in food processing. Now d ys, their pplic tion in extr ction of n tur l products nd bio ctive pectic oligos cch rides h ve jumped to new st ges. T he immobiliz tion of pectolytic enzyme h ve been pr cticed in m ny w ys. T his short review highlights the pr ogress on pectin nd pectolytic enzymes nd their pplic tion, nd suggests their perspectives in pplic t


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