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34 1 : V ol. 34, No. 1
2009 2 Jou nal of Guang xi U nive sity: N at Sci Ed Feb . , 2009
: 1001- 7445( 2009) 01-0053- 04
黎铉海, 李华生, 潘柳萍, 邓玉英, 李 豪
( , 530004)
: , .
. ,
40 , 50 / min, 10 min, 1. 2
0 . 2 , 1 d , 49. 2% , 26. 9% 21. 9% ,
90 . 7% .
: ; ;
: O344 : A
Applied research of hydrofluoric acid in puri ng wet-phosphoric aci d
LI Xuan-hai, LI Hua- sheng, PAN Liu-ping, DENG Yu-ying, LI Hao
( College of Chemist y and Chemical Enginee ing , Guangx i U nive sity , N anning 530004 , China)
Abstract: U sing hyd ofluo ic acid and sodium ca bonat e as sediments, emoval of metal impu it ies
f om WPA w as studied. T he effects of dosage of hyd ofluo ic acid and sodium ca bo nat e, eact ion
time and t empe atu e, st i ing speed, st at ic time on emoval ate of aluminum, magnesium , i on
f om w et-phospho ic acid w e e also invest igated. T he esult s showed that , w hen eact ion tempe a-
tu e w as 40 , sti ing speed w as 50 / min, eact ion time w as 10 mins, dosage of hyd ofluo ic acid
w as 1. 2 t im es, dosag e of sodium ca bonat e w as 0. 2 times and st at ic t ime w as one day, t he emoval
ate of aluminum, m agnesium and i on w e e espect ively 49. 2% , 26. 9% and 21. 9% , and the e-
cove y at e of phospho ic acid eached 90. 7% .
Key words: hyd ofluo ic acid; w et-phospho ic acid; met al impu ities
[ 9]
, , , ,
P2 O5 [ w P O 30%] , . ,
2 5
2- [ 1] . ,
SO4 , F, Fe, Ca, Al, Mg ,
. .
, , , ,
. , ,
[ 2-