
1007 脉冲电场对磷在渣-金两相间迁移反应的影响.pdf

1007 脉冲电场对磷在渣-金两相间迁移反应的影响.pdf

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1007 脉冲电场对磷在渣-金两相间迁移反应的影响

2016 年(第十九届)全国炼钢学术会议论文集 脉冲电场对磷在渣-金两相间迁移反应的影响 王刘涛,王海川,徐飞 (安徽工业大学冶金工程学院, 马鞍山 243002) 摘 要:针对炼钢过程中采用特殊外场处理工艺,研究脉冲电场对渣金反应中磷元素的迁移具有理论和实际意义。在渣金熔体 间外加2V 的脉冲电场,分别作用不同时间30s、60s,对实验处理后的炉渣做XRF 成分分析和XRD 物相分析,金属基体做 扫描电镜和OPA 处理,实验结果表明:渣中磷加速向金属液侧迁移,产生回磷现象;金属液基体中的夹杂物尺寸增大、数量 增多;金属基体表面磷元素分布先均匀后偏析度增加。 关键词:脉冲电场,渣钢反应,磷元素,偏析度 Effects of pulsed electric field on phosphorus immigration in slag-metal phases reactions WANG Liutao, WANG Haichuan, XU Fei School of metallurgical engineering, Anhui university of technology, Maanshan, 243002, China; Abstract: The study of the pulsed electric field is significant to the impact of the phosphorus in the reaction of slag-metal system aimed at the state of art of special field of steelmaking. After the XRF component analysis and XRD phase analysis of the slag and analysis of scanning electron microscope and OPA process of the base metal with 2V-pulsed electric field which effects 30s and 60s on the slag-metal system, the result indicates: the acceleration of phosphorus shifted from the slag to the metal and the phenomenon of returning phosphorus; the increase of the dimension and the quantity of the inclusion in the base metal; the reinforcement of segregation of phosphorus on the surface of the metal after the equality of distribution. It is indicated that the electric field in process has disadvantages in converter steelmaking. Key words: Pulsed electric field; Slag-molten steel reaction; Phosphorus element ,Degree of segregation 1 前言 随着现代工业技术的发展,对钢铁材料的品种和质量提出了越来越高的要求,传统的冶炼方法已难以 [1] 满足要求,人们相继开发多种外场处理技术和方法来提高钢铁材料的质量,例如真空感应技术 ,等离子加 [1] [2,3]


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