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# 388# Ch ine e Journal of D i infection 2010; 27( 4) : 100 1- 7658( 20 10) 04- 0388- 02 = 李春梅, 钟晓祝 (南方医科大学珠江医院, 广州 5 10282) , 1 000 m g/L 1 m in, 51 0 ; ; ; : R 187. 2 : A OBSERVATION ON GERM ICIDAL EFFICACY OF A BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE DISIN- FECTANT SOLUTION LI Chun - m e,i ZH ON G X iao - zhu ( Zhuj iang H o pital of Southern M edical Univer ity, Guangzhou 5 10282 , Ch ina) Abstract Objecti e T o ob erve the germ icidal efficacy of a benzalkonium chloride di infectant olution for kin and mucou m embrane. M ethods Su pen ion quantitative germ ic idal te tw a u ed to ob erve the germ icidal efficacy of vege- tative form of bacter ia and fungu in laboratory. Results The average k illing logarithm value of E scher ich ia co li, S tap hy loco ccu s a ureus and Cand ida alb icans in u pen ion expo ed to the d i infection olu tion contain ing 1 000 m g/L benzalkonium ch loride for 1 m in were all above 5. 0. Conclusions T he benzalkon ium ch loride di infectant olution ha good g erm ic idal efficacy on v egetative form of bacteria and fungu . K ey words benzalkon ium ch loride g erm ic idal eff icacy v eg eta tive f orm s of bacteria f ung us , , , 30 , g /L, 6 ( ) 5 @ 10 cfu /m l 1 000 m g/L, 112 中和剂鉴定试验 , , , , 6 , , ,


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