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Lesson 11 The Joker (2) Text analysis 1 Anyway, the stories went on even while the coffin was being lowered into the grave. People held handkerchiefs to their eyes, but their tears were tears of laughter, not sadness. Afterwards, there was a funeral breakfast, by invitation only. It was attended by twelve of Henrys closest friends. Henry Ground had asked his brother, Colin, to read out his will. Henry had been in debt all his life, hadnt he? What could he possibly have to leave in a will? be in debt to sb 欠某人的债   She is in debt to her neighbors for 5,000 yuan.   她欠邻居5000元   get /be out of debt 还清债务,不再欠债   He has been out of debt since he stopped gambling.   他戒赌后就不再欠债了。 Be in debt get/ be out of debt 还清债务,不再欠债   He has been out of debt since he stopped gambling.   他戒赌后就不再欠债了。 不管怎么说,即便是灵柩往墓穴中安放的时候,故事还是一个接一个地讲着。人们用手帕擦着眼睛,但这些泪水是因为大笑而流出来的,而不是因为悲伤。然后,举办了葬礼后的早餐,只有受到邀请的人才能参加。早餐时来的是十二位亨利最亲近的朋友。 亨利·格朗德请他的哥哥科林来宣读他的遗嘱。亨利的一生都是负债累 累,不是吗?他在遗嘱里能有什么遗产可以留下呢? 2 Colin cleared his throat, “Ahem! If you are ready, ladies and gentlemen.” Everyone settled down and waited silently. Colin opened the will, and began to read it out in a singsong voice. settle down become calm 平静下来,安顿下来 The teacher told the students to settle down and study the text.   老师让学生安静下来学习课文。 科林清清嗓子。“啊!女士们,先生们,你们是否准备好了。” 每个人都坐了下来,静静地等着。科林打开遗嘱,开始用一种节奏单调的语气念起来。 3 “I, Henry Ground, being of sound mind ... last will and testament... do hereby bequeath...” “我,亨利·格朗德,在神志正常的情况下立此遗嘱……把……留给……” 4 The legal phrases came out slowly one after another, and the audience grew impatient to get to the important part. It came soon enough. When Colin announced that Henry Ground, though known as a good-for-nothing, had invested his money very wisely, and was in fact worth at least three-quarters of a million, everyone gasped. But who was going to get it? Eyes narrowed and throats went dry. be known as / be known to be 被认为是……    The Mississippi River is known to be one of the longest rivers in the world. 密西西比河被认为是世界上最长的河流之一。 He


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