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It has been a labor of love. I fooled you again. Some people have a better sense of humor than others just as some people have more musical talent. 这出于自己的喜好。 你又上了我的当。 有些人比别人更有幽默感,就像有些人更有音乐天赋一样。 It appeals to all ages and all cultures. 它广为不同年龄和不同文化背景的人所喜爱。 1 Nearly every comedian has used the following joke in one form or another. Cross-talk can be heard anywhere from small village stages to the largest Beijing theaters, and to radio and television. 几乎每一位滑稽说笑演员都以这样或那样的方式讲过下面这个笑话。 无论是在乡村的舞台上,还是在北京最大的剧院里,或是在广播、电视上, 随处都能听到相声。 Ding Cong is a master of word play. 丁聪是位调皮话大师。 I don’t think humor is to be blamed for that. 我认为这不是幽默的过错。 Keep up the good work. The paper was flooded with calls and letters from people. Not surprisingly, he had a body of friends as big as Lake Erie. 再接再厉。 人们打来的电话与寄来的悼函像潮水般涌向报社。 难怪他的朋友圈子像伊利湖那么大。 The drawback with phone calls is that they don’t last. 打电话的缺点是说过的话留不住。 2 Our words can be read more than once, savored and treasured. Who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval? 我们写下的文字可以反复阅读,细细品味并珍藏起来。 你周围有谁值得你写便条表示感谢或鼓励呢? If you need a reason, look for a milestone, the anniversary or a special event you shared, or a birthday or holiday. 如果你需要一个理由,就找 一个有重要意义的日子,例 如你们共同经历的某个特殊 事件的周年纪念,生日或者 节日。 Be generous with your praise. 不要吝啬你的赞美之言。 gender identity There is a culture bias in education that favors boys over girls. The culture provides different images and adult models for boys and girls. 性别特征 教育中存在着一种男孩比女孩更受偏爱的文化倾向。 文化为男孩和女孩提供了不同的形象和成年人榜样。 3 develop more positive attitude open their doors to … 形成更积极的态度 向…… 敞开大门 From nursery school to postgraduate courses, teachers call on males in class far more than on male students. 从托儿所到研究生课堂,老师请男学生发言的次数远比请女学生多。 Teachers assign boys and girls different tasks in accordance with stereotyped gender roles. 老师们根据根深蒂固的性别模式给女孩子布置与男孩子不同的任务。 Girls, who are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, fall behind from then on. 那些九岁以前在数学方面比男孩子强的女孩,此后却落后了。 Creativity is a key to a bright future. Creativity’s ben


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