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题型四 阅读理解 类型一 判断型 Have you heard about paper-cutting? Paper-cutting is an important art form in China. Paper-cuts were used for many purposes, and everything can become the theme(主题) of paper-cuts, from people to the things that can be found in everyday life such as birds, flowers and animals. Each paper-cut brings out the personal ideas of the author(作者). People express traditional culture or their own feelings with different styles of paper-cuts. For example, when someone marries, we put up some red paper-cuts on the wall, dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes. It is easy to learn paper-cutting but very difficult to make it perfect. We need a long-time practice to learn how to use the scissors and how to paint. More over, we need to learn some cutting skills. At present, in many parts of China, paper-cutting skill has become a must for women and a symbol of a clever mind. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。 1.Not everything can become the theme of paper-cuts. 2.People express traditional culture or their own feelings with the same paper-cut. 3.It is not easy to make a perfect paper-cut. 4.When we learn paper-cutting, we dont need to learn cutting skills. 5.Women must learn paper-cutting skills in many places of China. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了中国的剪纸艺术。剪纸的用途广,主题丰富,能够表达作者的个人观点。学习剪纸容易,但要把它做精却很难。现在在中国的很多地方,它成了女性必备的技能,甚至是智慧的象征。 【答案精析】 1.F 细节理解题。由第一段第三句“…everything can become the theme(主题) of paper-cuts…” 可知此句表述错误。 2.F 细节理解题。由第二段第二句“People express traditional culture or their own feelings with different styles of paper-cuts.” 可知此句表述错误。 3.T 细节理解题。由第三段第一句“It is easy to learn paper-cutting but very difficult to make it perfect.”可知此句表述正确。 4.F 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“…we need to learn some cutting skills.”可知此句表述错误。 5.T 细节理解题。由最后一段“…in many parts of China, paper-cutting skill has become a must for women…”可知此句表述正确。 ?考点 细节理解题 方法突破:细节题要小心同义不同句。利用题目中的关键词,寻找文中对应词,在对应词周围找答案或直接在文中搜索答案,对号入座。这类试题是针对文章中的细节而设计的,如文章中某一个特定的细节,也可能涉及若干个细节,或者针对文章的主要事实,或利用图表、图形来表示信息等。要求学生根据对短文的理解,直


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