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智能信息检索 杜小勇教授,中国人民大学 文继荣教授,微软亚洲研究院 Overview of Key Techniques in IR Prof. Xiaoyong Du Core Techniques English Text Operation Word tokenization(断词) “.”的处理 “/apostrophe ”的处理 “-”的处理 Open source / G.Grefenstette的研究结果(1994) 统计Brown语料中的52511个句子 将”.”简单地作为句子分割符,准确率为93.20% 使用简单的正则表达式规则,准确率为97.66% 借助词表,可以进一步提高准确率 Proceedings of 3rd conf. on computational lexicography and text research,1994 English Text Operation Stemming(词干提取) 查表法,事前将所有词的词干都列出来. 浪费存储空间 基于规则的porter算法 Open source /martin/porterStemmer/ 其他方法 中文词法分析 分词(word segmentation) 什么是中文的”词”? 基于词典(词表)的最大匹配法 正向最大匹配 Forward Maximum Matching 逆向最大匹配 Reverse Maximum Matching 双向最大匹配 Bi-Directional MM 如果FMM=RMM 可认为分词正确,否则可进行进一步的消歧处理 中文词法分析 歧义词切分(ambiguities) 歧义词分类 交集型歧义: A+X+B = AX, XB, 例:苏副教授 组合型歧义: A+B = A, B, AB, 例: 马上 基于统计语言模型的消歧 中文词法分析 未登陆词识别(out-of vocabulary OOV) 没有在词表中出现的新词 未登陆词的种类 人名:张朝阳,哈里.波特 地名:海淀区,李家庄 机构名:中国人民大学, 专有名词:道-琼斯 专业术语: 非典,线形回归 数词,时间词等.1992年 Named entity recognition Information Extraction Image Operation OCR Color …… Indexing Inverted Files Suffix Trees Signatures Inverted Files Characteristics A word-oriented mechanism based on sorted list of keywords, with each keyword having links to the documents containing that keyword. Preprocessing Each document is assigned a list of keywords or attributes. Each keyword (attribute) is associated with relevance weights. Structure and Construction Structure (split the index into two files) Vocabulary: O(nb) according to Heaps’ Law Occurrences : depends on the addressing granularity(document or block?) Construction Dictionary file: The vocabulary is stored in lexicographical order and points to posting list. Posting file:the lists of occurrences are stored contiguously Vocabulary and Posting File Structures used in Inverted Files Vocabulary Sorted Arrays Hashing Structures Keyword Trees: Tries (digital search trees) The Search Procedure Vocabulary search Retrieval of occurrences Manipulation of occurrences Analysis for Block Addressing Advantage easy to implement Disa


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