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Economic Management Journal February 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1, PP.9-14 The Study of Post-Olympics Economic Downturn Effects Xiaoying Liu #, Tiansheng Xu, Longxin Chen Department of Information, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China #Email: ellenjuly@126.com Abstract Most metropolises worldwide is competing for the hosting of Olympics Games, by which the publicity and infrastructure of the hosting city can be improved; as well the government revenue will be significant increased. However, whether the benefits mentioned above be the long term driving force and are greater than the price the hosting city has paid, which has received much more attention from competing countries concerning the downturn economy after Olympics Games. In this paper, the six Olympics Games after the Seoul Olympics were analyzed to explain the different causes of downturn economy post Olympics. The main contribution of this paper was that the analysis was based on the stock market fluctuation of those hosting cities characterized by the trend of increment at the beginning and then decline; further, the maximum increment and the significant fluctuation periods of the stock indexes were investigated. Keywords: Economic Downturn Effects; Post -Olympic Economy; The Main Stock Index 后奥运经济低谷效应的研究 刘晓莹,徐天晟,陈龙新 首都经济贸易大学信息学院,北京100070 摘 要:世界各主要城市都在申办奥林匹克运动会,想借这一体育盛事的召开,提高城市的知名度,加快城市建设,为城 市带来直接利益收入。然而,这样的眼前利益是否可以真正成为城市的长久利益,为城市带来的收益是否真的大于城市 所承担的代价,这两个问题随着数个国家奥运会后的经济低迷而引起了各国政府的关注,所以 “后奥运经济低谷效应” 的研究也就成为了必然。本文通过详细分析汉城奥运会以来的 6 届奥运会,向大家阐释了各举办国家后奥运经济低谷效 应的不同成因。创新性地运用各奥运东道主国家主要股指对后奥运经济情况的反应做出了分析,并得到了股市先增长后 下滑的整体走势规律。进一步分析出各举办国的主要股指数据的最高增长以及显要波


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