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第二章 国际货物买卖合同的磋商 本章主要讲述交易磋商的内容及一般程序,合同成立的时间及合同生效的要件和合同的基本内容等。 第一节 交易前的准备 第二节 交易磋商 第三节 买卖合同的订立 第一节 交易前的准备 出口交易前的准备 国际市场调查 国际客户的调查和选择 国内供应商的调研 商标注册和广告宣传 制定出口商品的经营方案 作好对外贸易谈判的准备 第一节 交易前的准备 进口交易前的准备 进口商品报批 进口商品市场调查和选择 选择交易对象 制定进口商品经营方案 作好谈判前的准备 第二节 交易磋商 一、交易磋商的形式 有口头和书面两种 二、交易磋商的内容 主要交易条件:包括货物的品质、数量、包装、价格、交货和支付条件等内容 一般交易条件:包括商检、索赔、仲裁、不可抗力等内容。 三、交易磋商的一般程序 询盘(Inquiry) 发盘(Offer) 还盘(Counter Offer) 接受(Acceptance) 询盘(Inquiry) 询盘:交易的一方向另一方询问是否买进或卖出某商品以及要求什么样的交易条件的口头或书面表示。 买卖双方均可发出询盘,买方询盘又叫递盘(Bid),卖方询盘又叫索盘(Selling Inquiry). 询盘对买卖双方无法律约束力,但在商业习惯上,被询盘一方接到询盘后应尽快给予答复。 询盘时注意: 重视交易起点 分清是询盘还是发盘 利用询盘探路,但切忌滥用 询盘实例--First Inquiry August 15,2002 Dear Sirs, You are recommended to us by London Chamber of Commerce that you are one of the leading cotton textiles. We are interested in your cotton blanket, cotton bed-sheets, cotton table-cloth and table napkins. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colours and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used. We take this opportunity to introduce ourselvse to you as large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned. When replying, please state your terms of payment and a trade discount for companies that buy in fairly large quantities. If the prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize. Yours faithfully, United Textiles Limited Manager 询盘实例--Reply to First Inquiry August 31,2002 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your inquiry of Aug. 15. We enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. Samples of our products for which you ask in your letter of August 15 are being sent to you today. We feel confident that you will be satisfied with the goods both excellent in qu


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