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For Question 2 我想嫁/娶一个爱我, 最能关心我的人。 10. I want to marry someone who loves me and cares for me most. 我想嫁/娶一个慷慨的/聪明的/有抱负的/心胸开阔的/体贴的/长相好的/心地善良的/幽默的人。 10. I want to marry someone who is 我不愿意嫁/娶给太注重钱 / 小气 / 自私 / 脾气暴躁 / 心胸狭隘 / 粗鲁 / 不懂礼貌 / 占有欲强的人。 11. I wouldn’t like to marry someone who is too money-conscious / stingy / selfish / hot-tempered / narrow-minded/ rude / impolite / possessive. -conscious 注重…的,对…感兴趣 health-conscious, status-conscious, clothes-conscious 丈夫和妻子间的互相尊重与理解会极大地促成幸福的婚姻。 7. Mutual respect and understanding between husband and wife contribute much to a happy marriage. 仅仅建立在浪漫爱情基础上的婚姻不一定会持久,因为责任感在成功的婚姻中也极其重要。 9. A marriage based on romantic love alone will not necessarily last long, for a sense of responsibility is also essential to a successful marriage. 不断批评你的另一半和他或者她的家庭会给婚姻造成种种麻烦 / 也许会毁了婚姻。 17. Constantly criticizing your partner and his or her family gives rise to troubles in a marriage / may destroy a marriage. 13. It is very important for husband and wife to show appreciation of each other / to talk and get to know what his or her partner expects. 丈夫和妻子之间能够互相欣赏 / 交谈并开始了解对方的期望是非常重要的。 我认为婚前书面协议表明你和你的另一半尊重对方的需要和期望的程度 / 保证了婚姻生活中的和谐关系。 15. I think a written marriage agreement shows how much you and your partner are going to respect each other’s needs and expectations / promises a harmonious relationship in a married life. Additional Question 1 What standards do young men and young women have for their prospective spouses? 大多数男性希望自己的配偶年轻美丽。其他一些人认为内在美更重要。 2. Most men would like their spouses to be young and beautiful. Others consider inner beauty more important. 女性选择配偶时,一般比较重视他的性格 /气质(性情) / 所受教育 / 职业 / 收入 / 相貌 / 家庭背景。 3. When a woman chooses her spouse, she often puts emphasis on his character / temperament / education / profession / income / appearance / family background. 如今的一些年轻女性认为……在选择男朋友


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