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多媒體製作設計與評估-- 多媒體資料製作及典藏管理概論 Jian-hua Yeh (葉建華) au4290@.tw Outline Internet evolution Digital repository(DR) issues Digitization Naming Service structure Conclusion Evolution of the Net (Schatz, NCSA) Phase I: Access Document fetching only Phase II: Organization Repository searching Phase III: Analysis Information correlation Goal: from data transmission to information manipulation Management Issues Major issue in digital repository management Contents management Contents Management Issues Digitization issues Preparation of digital contents for DRs Organization of digital contents in DRs Design issues Workflow for DRs Services of DRs Preparation of Digital Contents Conceptual data types is different from physical data types Conceptual: human’s recognition Music, opera, dancing, art, literature, movie, construction, etc. Physical: computer’s recognition Text, image, audio, video, etc. Digital Formats for DRs Digitization principles: For both preservation and service needs. Multiple resolution for different goals. Preservation: for long-term needs and reproduction Service: for online needs and demonstration Digital Formats for DRs (2) Pictorial Materials (images) Textual Materials (text) as searchable text as images Sound Recordings (audio) Moving-image Materials (video) Work Flow in DR System: Processing Stages Preparation Stage Digitization Stage Integration Service Stage Stage I : Preparation Work Target objects identification Metadata, raw image, raw text Digitization specification Metadata creation spec Image creation spec Text creation spec Information accessing methods definition Data repository and retrieval Digitization Specification (1) Metadata spec Domain experts Library science experts Computer science experts Image spec 3rd party Computer science expert Digitization Specification (2) Text spec 3rd party Computer science expert Other media Sound recordings, moving-image materials,etc. Metadata Specification Properties to describe Property identificatio


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