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HCV–HIV Coinfection Simple Messages from a Complex Disease 英文参考文献
Research In Translation
HCV–HIV Coinfection: Simple Messages
from a Complex Disease
Paul Klenerman , Arthur Kim
epatitis C virus (HCV)
and HIV infection are
both major global health
problems, each with their own
speci?c unsolved and dif?cult
issues of prevention, pathogenesis,
and therapy. For HIV, many of the
clinical problems experienced are
related to loss of immunological
control over relatively commonly
encountered pathogens. In most of
these cases (e.g., cytomegalovirus
[CMV], Pneumocystis jiroveci, human
herpesvirus-8), normal immunological
control is quite ef?cient, and these
organisms behave as “opportunists.”
HCV is slightly different, in that
immunological control in normal
HIV-uninfected individuals is often
poor, and HCV infection alone can
lead to the gradual evolution of end-
stage liver disease in normal hosts.
However, although a consensus is
forming about the basic details of the
immune responses associated with
acute control of HCV monoinfection,
the long-term relationships between
immune responses, viral load, and most
importantly, disease progression in
those who are persistently infected are
still poorly understood.
HIV–HCV coinfection is a problem
of substantial size. Overall the ?gures
for coinfection rates are very striking—
around one in 10 of those infected with
HIV globally are also HCV infected
(around 4–5 million) [1]. In the West,
however, the infection rate is one in
four, and in speci?c risk groups, such
as intravenous drug users, the ?gure
rises to up to 50%–95%, regardless of
global location. This re?ects the fact
that HCV is relatively easy to spread
through percutaneous infection, while
relatively harder to spread through
sexual contact.
Figure 1. Immunologic Control of HCV Pathogenesis
In a normal HCV monoinfection, HCV-speci?c CD4 and CD8 T cells are mobilized to contain
infection. If infection is not cleared, such T cells contribute to antiviral effects, proin?ammatory
effects, and
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