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FB STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE 餐饮部标准工作运作程序 How to polish glassware 如何擦拭玻璃器皿 TASK BREAKDOWN 步骤: Use your left hand hold the base of the glass and cover with glass cloth 将擦杯布盖住玻璃杯的底部,并用左手握住 TASK BREAKDOWN 步骤: Place the glass on the surface of steaming hot water and let vapour get into glass 把玻璃杯放在热水表面上,让蒸汽进入杯内. MINIMUM STANDARDS 最低标准: Steaming hot water to be used 要使用带蒸汽的热水 TASK BREAKDOWN 步骤: 3. Hold the glass 1 inch above the hot water and ensure vapour covers the whole of the inner glass 玻璃杯置于离水面1英寸处,确保让蒸汽覆盖整个内壁. TASK BREAKDOWN 步骤: 5. Hold the glass under the light above eye level and check for any stains, films, cracks and chips 将玻璃杯举过视线,放在光线下检查是否有污点,脏物,裂痕或崩口 TASK BREAKDOWN 步骤: 6. Repeat the process if necessary 如有必要,重复上述步骤. FB STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE 餐饮部标准工作运作程序 HANDLING CHINAWARE 瓷器的擦拭及 运输 Standard: 标准 All china to be handled safely and hygienically. All china for guest use will be clean and spotless. 搬运和运输瓷器的时候必须注意安全和注意卫生;所有提供给客人使用的瓷器都要是干净和没有污点的 Procedures: 程序 1.Prepare hot water 准备热水 Fill up 25% of the soaking pan or wine cooler with boiling water. (Change the water if it gets cold). 在宽口的容器或者酒桶里装满25%的开水(如果 水 变凉了就需要更换) 2.Prepare linen glass cloth. (These are special cloths) 准备擦杯具的布草(使用专用的杯布来擦拭杯具) Damping one cloth with hot water. 在热水中将杯布浸湿 Use the damp cloth to polish thechinaware 使用浸湿的杯布去擦拭瓷器 3.Checking Plates 检查盘子 Check for chipped or cracked China,discard immediately into breakage binand enter details into breakage report. 检查有缺口和有裂纹的瓷器,马上将它们丢弃到 破损箱里,同时填写破损报告细节 Check for water marks and stains on all plates. Use a dry cloth to remove any marks that may be present, using a clean polishing cloth. 检查盘子上的水印和污点;使用干的杯布擦掉可 能有的水印,再用干净的杯布擦拭 If there are food particles or difficult toremove stains on the plate, return it to the stewarding area t


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