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Unit1 1.每当我的兄弟抱怨他工作中的困难时,我总要求他看到光明的一面。 Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him to look on the bright side. 2.当有报告说附近大楼里两个孩子被人持枪劫持时,警察立刻作出了反应。 The police reacted immediately when report came that two kids had been held up at gunpoint in a nearby building. 3.当我指出玛丽的计算错误时,她没有尽快地改正它们,却申明那不是她的错。 When I pointed out the mistakes in her calculation, instead of correcting them as soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault. 4.汤姆对我跟同事们说的笑话感到好奇,但他没有听懂。 Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he didn’t get it. 5.由于杰克的积极心态,在急诊室里他在失去知觉前采取了行动并且挽救了自己的生命。 Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life before he lost consciousness in the emergency room. 6.当我细想我在过去所取得的成绩时,我不得不说,成功来自艰苦的工作。那是关键。 When I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard work. That’s the bottom line. Unit2 1.就拿迈克尔?乔丹来说吧,人们很容易看到他的成就而忽视了他为使自己出类拔萃而在球场上付出的血与汗的代价。 Take Michael Jordan, it’s easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top. 2.在第一堂英语课上,老师就传达(convey)给我们一个清晰的信息:作为构成语言的基本材料,生词是必须熟记(memorize)的;任何其他的捷径都是愚人金。 Right in the first English class, our teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building blocks of the language, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool’s gold. 3.成千上万的中国劳工为美国第一条横贯大陆铁路的建设做出了巨大贡献;他们的巨大努力值 得记录在美国历史上。 Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to the construction of America’s first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history. 4.说到训练,教练能毫无困难地忍受球员们的各种抱怨但从不向任何人妥协。 When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complaints of the players but he ever compromises with any of them. 5.在有些是非之间的界限薄如蛋壳的情况下,传统道德准则显得尤为重要。 Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right and wrong is as thin as an eggshell. 6. 随着竞争的加剧,我们和我


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