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三种肺炎支原体检测法的临床应用分析 姓名:: 张孟书 主治医师 研究起止日期:2014年8月1日—2014年10月25日 提交日期:2014年10月30日 目 录 毕业论文:三种肺炎支原体检测法的临床应用分析 中文摘要………………………………………………………………3 英文摘要………………………………………………………………4 前言……………………………………………………………………5 材料方法………………………………………………………………6 结果……………………………………………………………………7 讨论……………………………………………………………………7 参考文献………………………………………………………………10 综述……………………………………………………………………11 致谢……………………………………………………………………14 三种肺炎支原体检测法的临床应用分析 【摘 要】 目的 探讨肺炎支原体(MP)咽拭子快速液体培养法、咽拭子聚合酶链反应(PCR)法和血清MP被动凝集法(MP-Ab)等方法在儿童MP感染诊断治疗过程中的敏感性方法 采用3MP检测法对362例临床拟诊呼吸道(非细菌性)感染的患儿的咽拭子和血清标本进行配对研究,每患儿取咽拭子做快速培养和PCR,同时取血清做MP-Ab检测,对3种方法的检测结果与临床诊断治疗病例进行回顾性分析。结果 回顾临床病例诊断MP感染患儿152例。MP快速培养法检出阳性78例,阳性率为51.3%,病程为(4.5±2.6)天;PCR法检测出阳性103例,阳性率为67.8%,病程为(6.2±3.5)天;MP-Ab法检测出阳性127例,阳性率83.5%,病程(8.1±4.5)天。结论 3种MP检测法的敏感性与病程有相关性,临床医生应根据患儿病程选取检测方法,以提高阳性检出率和敏感性。 【关键词】 肺炎支原体,快速培养法,咽拭子聚合酶链反应,血清抗体,配对研究 Analysis of the clinical application of three kinds of mycoplasma detection method 【ABSTRACT 】 Objective to investigate Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) pharynx swab rapid liquid culture method, throat swab polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and serum MP passive agglutination assay (MP-Ab) method in the diagnosis and the therapy for MP infection in children with sensitivity of 362 cases clinically suspected respiratory tract detected by 3MP method (non bacterial) infection in childrens throat swab and serum specimens were paired study, every children from throat swab do fast culture and PCR, at the same time serum MP-Ab detection, the detection results of 3 kinds of methods and clinical diagnosis and treatment were retrospectively analyzed. Results review the clinical diagnosis of MP infection in 152 cases. MP rapid culture method were positive in 78 cases, the positive rate was 51.3%, course of diseases is (4.5 + 2.6) days; PCR method to detect 103 cases were positive, the positive rate was 67.8%, course of diseases is (6.2 + 3.5) days; MP-Ab method to detect positive in 127 cases, the positive rate was 83.5%, the course of the disease (8.1 + 4.5)


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