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争流考研2015 英语 翻译综合练习答案 翻译综合练习答案 1) Iceis lessdensethantheliquidfromwhichitis formed. 冰来源于水,可密度却比水小。 2) One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinkingthatlife shouldbefair,orthatsomedayit willbe.It’snotandit won’t. 我们很多人常犯的错误是,我们为自己或为他人感到难过,认为生活应该是公平的,或 者有朝一日生活会是公平的。然而,生活现在不公平,将来也不会公平。 3) The more machine that a disk is used on, the greater the chances of the disk picking up a virusandpassingit on. 越多的电脑使用过某一磁盘,该磁盘感染病毒和传播病毒的几率就越大。 4) Pity, of course, is a self-defeating emotion that does nothing for anyone, except to make everyonefeelworsethantheyalreadydo. 当然,怜悯是种自我否定情绪,这种情绪对任何人都毫无作用,只会让人们感觉更糟。 5) Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and womenor when thementionofamale nursewill nolonger raiseeyebrows? 秘书这一职业男女人数均等,或是提到男护士的时候人们不会再眉毛一挑感到惊奇,我 们能否等到这样一天呢? 6) It seems clear that human body is equipped to overlook the need for sleep in order to meet emergenciesofquitelongdurationwithoutdoinganyharmtoit. 为了应对持续时间很长的紧急情况,人体有能力忽略睡眠的需求,而不会造成任何伤害, 这一点看起来很清楚。 7) Televisions keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructiveandentertaining. 电视让人获悉时事,让人能够追踪科学和政治领域最新的发展,并且为人们提供无穷无 尽寓教于乐的节目。 8) It seemed strange that the various editors should permit such redundant flogging of dead donkey, unless perhaps they had a suspicion that after all the donkey might not be quite dead, andwishedtomakesure. 五花八门的编辑竟然允许这种鞭打死驴重复定论的事情,除非他们心存疑虑,认为毕竟 这驴还没有死透,想要确保驴死透了,不然的话这事儿看起来可真怪。 9) Magnetic fields of the former kind are generally about a million times weaker than the Earth’s field ,whereas those originating from the traveling signals of nerve cells are even weaker,somehundredmilliontimes lessthanth


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