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毕 业 设 计 中文题目 厦门地块房地产开发 项目全程策划方案设计 英文题目 The real estate development project planning scheme design of Xiamen 系 别: 年级专业: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 年 月 日 毕业设计诚信声明书 本人郑重声明:在毕业设计工作中严格遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范;我所提交的毕业设计是本人在 指导教师的指导下独立研究、撰写的成果,设计中所引用他人的文字、研究成果,均已在设计中加以说明;在本人的毕业设计中未剽窃他人的学术观点、思想和果 本设计和资料若有不实之处,本人愿承担一切相关责任。 学生签名: 年 月 日 厦门2010P12地块房地产开发项目全程策划方案设计 【摘 要】本次设计是运用全程策划的理论对项目进行全程运作。本次设计涉及到地块分析、市场调研、项目定位、产品规划、投融资财务分析、营销策划和物业管理等多个方面,使我们的实际操作能力得到极大的提高,充分锻炼了我们理论联系实际的能力。本策划报告从宏观环境、市场调研、项目定位、产品规划、物业管理、投融资财务分析和营销策划等多个方面对项目进行了全面的分析,并给出建议。本次设计由指导老师给定土地来源,由我们自己选择合适要求地块,其余本次设计所用资料均由个人通过多种途径努力寻找获得,锻炼了我们的各种能力,使我们的实践能力得到了极大的提高,为我们以后的学习和工作打下了坚实的理论与实践基础。 【关键词】房地产,市场调研,项目定位,产品规划,财务分析,营销策划 The real estate development project planning scheme design of Xiamen 2010P12 Abstract: This design used the whole operation planning theory to the whole project. This design involves land analysis, market research, project planning, product positioning, financial analysis, investment and finance marketing, property management, and many other aspects. Greatly improving our operational capabilities, and exercise our ability to integrate theory with practice. This plan report has carried on the comprehensive analysis to the project and gives recommendations from the macro-environment, positioning, product market research, project planning, financial analysis and marketing planning, property management, investment and financing and other aspects. Source of the design given by the teacher, we choose a suitable request block. The rest of the design information was provided by individuals through various channels trying to find eligible. It exercises our abilities and our practical ability has been greatly improved. And lay a solid theoretical and practical foundation for future learning and work. Keywords: Real estate, Market research, Project location, Product Planning, Financial analysis, Marketing planning 目录 第一章 厦门市房地产市场总体概况 1 1.厦门市基本情况 1 2.厦门市宏观经济 1 3


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