新人教版英语高2下Module 7“Unit 2 Robots”课件之5.pptVIP

新人教版英语高2下Module 7“Unit 2 Robots”课件之5.ppt

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新人教版英语高2下Module 7“Unit 2 Robots”课件之5

Using Language Leading in 艾萨克·阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov, ( 1920-1992), 美籍犹太人,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就「大师奖」。以他的名字为号召的「艾西莫夫科幻杂志」,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。 阿西莫夫是一位多产得惊人的作家,自50年代初,至今已出版了300多部著作。 作品: Discuss his three laws for robots. Listening and speaking Molly Kate 4. Who thinks that the purpose of Tony’s actions was to make Claire feel good about herself. 5. Who thinks taking Tony away must have hurt Claire? 6. Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble? LISTENING TEXT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Listen to Molly (M) and Kate (K) discussing the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”. M: Don’t you think that was a great love story, Kate? K: No, not really. M: You didn’t? Well, I loved it. There was so much emotion between Tony and Claire. K: Molly, that’s rubbish. Tony was just a machine. Yes, Claire fell in love with him, but I don’t believe robots can feel emotion of any kind. That’s the difference between them and us. M: Well, I disagree. I think Tony loved Claire. Remember he said to her that he didn’t want to leave her the next day, and that he felt more than just the wish to please her? Then he kissed her. K: Yes, Molly, that was just part of Tony’s role. They made him so he wouldn’t allow a human being to be hurt. He could see that Claire was hurting herself by her lack of confidence. So he tried to make her feel good about herself. It had nothing to do with emotion – that was just how he was made. M: Yes Kate, but he did hurt Claire. K: How? M: He was so kind to her that she fell in love with him. So it must have hurt her when he was taken away. K: True, true. I guess that’s why the company had to rebuild him…er… the machine I mean! M: Yes, such a shame really. I’d like a robot like Tony living at my house. Imagine a handsome man whose only purpose in life is to please you! K: Actually, I suppose that was the company’s greatest mistake. M: Er? K: They made the robot look so much like


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