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智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料 【干货】SAT写作五类高频话题模版 SAT写作话题中,个人利益与集体利益、竞争与合作、科技的好与 坏、撒谎的好与坏、艺术作品是比较常见的五类话题。以下是智课外语 胡诗芸老师为考生们准备的作文模版,供大家参考。 一、个人利益与集体利益 1. 题目提示: Does the success of a community – whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or any other group – depend upon people’s willingness to limit their personal interests? 2. 例子内容 A. 人物名称、简介、时代或事件背景 Florence Nightingale, the first professional nurse in human history, initiated the modern profession of nursing by selflessly devoting her life to caring the injured. B. 当时主人公面临的个人利益和集体利益各是什么,冲突是什么? Nightingale was born a blue blood. She enjoyed endless wealth when she was young. She could have gone on the life with sheer fun but in 1850s when the Crimean War took place, the increasing number of people dying on the battlefield turned her life over. She wanted to help those heroes but this deed meant that she had to forgo her easy life. C. 主人公是怎样做的,问什么? Finally,she could not watch those who fight for their countries suffer from injuries and therefore she steadfastly gave up her comfortable life for the soldiers. D. 具体的好处或者结果是什么? Being a nurse, Nightingale spared no effort to take care of those injured soldiers. She did not only give her care to several soldiers, but also meliorate the medical conditions in the front line. Because of her dedication, the death rate of the soldiers dropped from higher than 40% to less than 2.2%. It was revolutionary. Nightingale’s selfless contribution saved thousands of lives, and therefore she was named “the Lady with the Lamp” which depicted the scene that she visited the injured carrying a lamp. 3. 套题写DPV Are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue individual wishes and goals? As we all know, a group reaches its extreme efficiency when everybody work in the same direction and for the same goal. However, in reality, everybody


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