英语 第四册7-10单元作业2013秋(陈岭).doc

英语 第四册7-10单元作业2013秋(陈岭).doc

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英语 第四册7-10单元作业2013秋(陈岭)

2013学年第二学期 临床/护理/检验/影像专业 2013级本科班《 英语 》作业 Ⅰ. 从右栏选择单词的近义词,然后用汉语解释左栏单词的含义(10*2’=20’). 1. responsibility j 责任 a. leader 2. director a 领导者 b. food 3. astonishment g惊喜 c. weight 4. despite d 尽管 d. in spite of 5. intend h计划 e. make sure 6. sense i感觉 f. occupation 7. burden c重量 g. surprise 8. assure e确信 h. plan 9. career f职业 i. feel 10. diet b食物 j. duty Ⅱ. 单项选择题(20*1’=20’) 11. ---What’s Guangzhou like in spring? --- ____, if it doesn’t rain too much. a. Very crowded b. Very nice c. So wet 12. While ____ his dinner, Allen had been wondering what drove Mr. Jones to visit him. a. ate b. eating c. to eat 13. --- Do we need anything from the supermarket? --- Yes. We need a loaf of bread. --- ____? --- No. Just a loaf of bread. a. What else b. Something else c. Anything else 14. If you ____ with such nonsense, I’m leaving! a. continue b. continual c. concessive 15. ---What’s the man doing? I think he’s feeling ill. --- He’s not feeling ill. He’s ____ and listening to the singing. a. sleeping b. drinking tea c. getting up 16. --- Look, Real Madrid wins the game! --- It’s good news, isn’t it ? --- ____. I like this team very much.. a. I’m afraid not b. It certainly is. c. Not too good. 17. Take this medicine, it will ____ your pain. a. leisure b. pleasure c. ease 18. --- I was told that you won the 100-meter race in the sports meeting. Congratulations! --- ____. a. Just luck b. Thank you c. That’s easy 19. I decided to depend on myself. Therefo


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