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沙发术语与制作工艺术语 沙发 sofa 沙发床 Sofa bed 沙发套 The sofa cover 真皮沙发 Leather Sofa 布艺沙发 Cloth art sofa 足疗沙发 Foot sofa 足浴沙发 Foot bath sofa 带电视沙发 With television sofa 桑拿沙发 A sauna sofa 酒店沙发 Hotel sofa 单人沙发 Single person sofa 双人沙发 Double sofa 三人沙发 Three sofa 卡座沙发 Gets stuck sofa 餐厅沙发 Dining-room sofa 咖啡厅沙发 Cafes sofa 茶餐厅沙发 Tea restaurant sofa 酒吧沙发 Bar sofa KTV沙发 KTV sofa 气动沙发 Pneumatic sofa 会所沙发 Club sofa 网吧沙发 Internet sofa 扶手:arm 扶板:wing 层板:plywood 填料:padding 转角:wedge, 底座:arm panel 后挡板:tailgate 扶手垫:armcap, 头枕:headrest 坐垫:cushion 拉练:zipper 搁脚ttoman 几:end table 摇椅:recliner 塑料膜:plastic film /bubble film 海绵:foam 泡沫板:EPS block 2纸板:corrugate 后下 outside back 扶手内侧 inside arm 面板 front arm panel 扶手外侧 outside arm 扶手前 front arm 扶手后侧 the rear arm. 扶手 top arm / arm 接缝 seam 靠背正面 inside back 缝针、针脚 stitch 靠背后面 outside back 双针 two-needle stitch 靠背 back rest 双针机 double needle machine 屏耳 the wing on both sides of the back 回针 returned-stitch 防护绵: poly (top back rail) (STAPLED) 缝止 the width of the seam 喷胶棉(树脂棉) Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距 stitch size spacing 松棉) Loosed Fiber 刀眼 notch 编织带 Webbing 针眼 stitch mark 封口胶 Tape for sealing the carton 浮线 float stitch 抓钉 T-Nuts 线头 Odd pieces of thread 枪钉 staple 露线 exposed stitches 垫圈 ring / bezel/washer 贴边/嵌条 Welt 三人沙发 Sofa 效影(阴阳色) two-tone effect 搁脚 30, Ottoman 瑕疵 flaw 转椅 swivel chair 色差 off shade 头层皮 top grain 结点 knot 二层皮 split 深色纱线斑点 mottled yarns 仿皮 vinyl 橡皮膏 stress tape (cloth tape) for CS 天鹅绒 kin velvet 杀真菌剂 fungicide 无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover 里布 denim 毡毯 felt 中垫 Center / Central cushion 倒顺毛 the direction of pile 上垫 Upper layer cushion S簧/蛇簧 no-sag spring 拉布/拉条 Puller 塔簧 long coil spring 防霉: mildew-proof 蜡变革 wax finish, wax effect 靠垫: back pillow 油变革 oily pull-up leather [抛枕: throw pillow 磨砂革 buffed leather, nubuck, sanded 夹板 ply wood 雌雄扣Velcro 缝制工艺图 Sewing diagram 家具固定带, 无弹性 Puckering 纸板 Paper pattern 松紧带 Elastic 样套 Sampl


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