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大学英语写作首末段句型示例 文章的结构 一个完整的段落包括三部分:主题句, 推展句和结论句。 一篇完整的四六级作文包括三部分:引言,正文和结论。又称:三段论。 因此,可以说, 文章是段落的扩展,段落是文章的压缩。 段落的结构 文章的结构 十句作文法 具体地说,四六级作文实际是一个十句话短文(十句作文法) 引言段两句或三句话:开头句+主题句(中心思想句+承上启下的组织句) 正文段四句话:主题句+三个扩(推)展句 结论段四句或三句话:主题句+扩(推)展句+结论句 Example Losing Weight 1)减肥已成为时尚。 2)人们热衷于减肥的原因。 3)减肥的有效方法。 1)2 sentences 2)4 sentences 3)4 sentences Losing Weight 1)Nowadays, many people are very much worried about being overweight. 2)And people, the young and women in particular, are trying various ways to lose weight. 3)There are many reasons why more and more people are concerned about losing weight. 4)To begin with, they are all aware of the danger of being overweight, which may lead to many diseases such as hyper-tension, diabetes and heart attacks. 5)Secondly, more people have become concerned about their shape and they want to appear energetic and young. 6)What’s more, losing weight can help them feel mentally healthier and build up their self-esteem. 7)There are different means through which people can achieve their goal of losing weight. 8)First of all, some of the people who want to remove their fat eat less or eat nothing. 9)Besides, they take weight-reducing drugs. 10)But the most effective and healthy way to lose weight is to take proper exercises. 文章的开头 常言道:“织衣织裤,贵在起头”,不落俗套,别致新颖的开头(引言段)能吸引读者,紧紧抓住读者的注意力。 在四六级考试作文评分中,采用global scoring的评分原则, 因此,文章的引言段是否能吸引assessor/examiner, 是文章分数高低的一个关键。 文章开头写作的两点原则 要紧扣文章标题,即开头点题。 要能顺利地引出下文,和下文(文章中间部分——正文)的内容相联系,引发读者兴趣,使人想读下去。 首段写作 (1) 谚语法 由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。   例如: As the saying (proverb) goes, “Haste makes waste.” We are now living in an age of rapid pace and high efficiency. Everyone wants to set the quickest result within the shortest time. But if too much emphasis is laid upon speed, people will ignore the quality of what they are doing, and thus yield unsatisfying results. Shakespeare said: “One who is unhappy can never get a beneficial result.” That is to say, happiness is very important in our lif


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