2017 初一英语下册U3 Reading.pptx

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2017 初一英语下册U3 Reading

Unit 3 Our animal friends;Getting ready;a rescue dog 救援犬;Search the text to find verbs in the past tense. Put them in the correct columns below. ;The firemen arrived in the scene of the fire and rescued them.;Most girls’ parents don’t allow them stay out late.;Ross hates Maths, and he always falls sleepy in Maths classes.;搭配 P33;A blind man and his “eyes” in a fire ;John was very tired. He soon fell asleep. Some time later, Charlie started barking. John woke up and smelt smoke. A fire! Smoke started to come in from under the door. With Charlie’s help, John put some wet towels along the bottom of the door. Then he got down on the floor next to Charlie and waited. ;Soon he heard the sound of a fire engine. A fireman arrived and got him out of the building, but the fireman did not want to take Charlie. John would not go without his “eyes”. Finally, the fireman got Charlie out of the building too and they were both safe.;blind adj. 瞎的;失明的 be blind in one eye/both eyes 一只眼睛/双目失明 be blind in the left/right eye 左/右眼失明 the blind 盲人 如: He is blind in the left eye. 他左眼失明。 We must try our best to help the blind. 我们必须尽力帮助盲人。;2. radio n. 无线电广播 on the radio 通过无线电广播 我对无线电感兴趣。 Im interested in radio. 我们那时候正开着收音机听音乐呢。 We were listening to music on the radio.;3. programme n. 节目 n. 规划,计划,项目,程序 你看那个关于动物的电视节目了吗? Did you see that TV programme on animals? 目前这个地区的七十个村庄有一项造林计 划。 Today there is a forest programme in 70 villages in this area.;4. helpful adj. 有用的;有帮助的 be helpful to sb./sth. 对某人或某物是有帮助的 helpless adj. 无助的,无用的 I hope the book will be helpful to you. 我希望这本书对你有帮助。 ;5. *rescue n. 营救 A?major?air-sea?rescue?is?under?way. 一场大规模的海空营救行动正在进行。;6. mean v. (过去式meant) 表 示……的意思 meaning n. 意思,意义 What do you mean by…? = What does … mean? ……的意思是什么? What do you mean by “newspaper”? = What does “newspaper” mean? “newspaper”是什么意思?;7. arrive at 到达 arrive 是不及物动词,不能直接接地点名词作宾 语,要用“arrive at /


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