仁爱英语八年级上unit1 topic 1复习课件.ppt

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仁爱英语八年级上unit1 topic 1复习课件

一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.一Do you play baseball much? 一Yes,quite a b_______. 2.Walking is a good way to keep f_______. 3.Liu Xiang broke the Olympic r_________ in the 2004 Athens Olympics. 4.China got 51 g_______ medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 5.Which team are they going to play a______? 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.My favorite sport is_____ (skate) .What about you? 2.She often goes________ (row) in summer. 3.Swimming helps to keep your heart and lungs ___________(health). 4.Some soccer fans_______ (arrive) in Beijing last month. 5.Are you going to_________ (cheer) us on ? 6.______ (swim) is a good exercise. Most people like it. 7.一Who ______(win) the first gold medal for China in the 29th Olympics,do you know? 一Yes.it was Chen Xiexia. 8.What is your sister going to be when she________ (grow) up? 9.There_________________(be)a movie next Sunday. 10.He is an________ (act) young man from Shanghai. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.Liu Xiang________ _______(放弃)the race for his foot hurt in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 2.Playing soccer is popular among young people_____ ______ ______ _________(全世界). 3.She plays baseball ______ ________(相当好). 4._____ ______(多久)are they going to stay in China? 一About two days. 5.Mary wants to be a dancer______ ______ ______ (将来). ( )1.Michael Jordan is good at ______ basketball. A. to play B. play C. to playing D. playing ( )2.--How much does your father _______buying this new bike? --_____200 yuan. A.pay B.spend C.cost D.take ( )3.一Would you like to _____us for coffee? 一Yes. Id love to. A. join B. joins C. take part in D. takes part in ( )4.She is a kind girl. I often see her ____the old man to cross the road. A.helps B.helping C.to help D.help ( )5.After they finish the work,they ____for Beijing tomorrow. A.1eave B. are leave C. leaving D. are going to leave ( )6.He prefers _____to_____. A.swim;to skate B.swims;skating C.swimming;skating D.to swim;to skate ( )7.______is your favorite player? 一Y


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