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CN 4 3- 1258/ T P 2009 31 12 ISSN 1007- 130X COM P U T ER EN GIN EERIN G SCIEN CE Vo l1 31, N o1 12 , 2009 : 1007- 130X ( 2009 12- 0 130- 04 * V ir t ools Design and Im plem entat ion of a V ir t ual H om e Ramble Sy st em Based on V ir t ools , , QU Bao, ZHAO Ya, ZHAO Qi ( , 163318) ( School of Computer an Information Technology,Daqing Petroleum Institute,Daqing 163318, China) : 本文提出了一个基于 V irto ols 的虚拟家居漫游系统, 该系统打破了当前的效果图家居设计方式, 将 维场景 漫游技术应用到家居设计中去, 通过 维建模技术来构建 维室内场景和室内家具模型, 利用场景漫游技术来实现 维家 居场景的漫游交互, 并采用了碰撞检测技术来保证系统的真实漫游效果该系统的漫游效果可以最大限度地满足客户提 前熟悉家居格局的需要, 提高客户的装修效果满意度, 同时也减轻了家居设计师一次又 一次修改效果图的负担和压力 Abstract:T he system breaks t he curr ent home design mode of eff ect picture, u ses the 3d scene r amble technolog y into ho me desig n, const ruct s a 3d indoo r scene and indoo r furnitur e models, and realizes the r amble inter action of the 3d home ramble scene by the scene ramble techno lo gy , M eanw hile, the sy stem adopts t he collision detect ion technolog y to ensur e the real ramble eff ect . T he r amble eff ect o f the sy st em can satisfy the client. s need of know ing home layo ut furthest , enhance the client. s satisf action degr ee o f ho me f it ment , and reduce the bur den and pr essure of home desig ner. s amending eff ect pic- tur e o nce and ag ain . : 维建模; V irto ols; 漫游; 碰撞检测 Key wor s:3D modeling ; v ir too ls; r amble; collision detection oi:10. 3969/ j. issn. 1007- 130X. 2009 . 12 . 0 38 : T P39 1. 9 : A , 1 Virto ols , 2



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