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南方医科大学成人高等教育毕业论文 浅谈人工气道在脱机后的日常护理 作者姓名: 专 业: 年 纪: 年 月 日 摘 要 随着我国国民经济的增长,我国的科学技术也在飞快的发展,医疗的诊治水平也在飞速的发展,病危患者的抢救成功率在迅猛的生长,这种现象的产生,与人气管道的管理水平的提高有着不可割舍的关系。人工气道的建立是在保持气道通畅,消除呼吸道中的分泌物,以此保证供养充足,以避免二氧化碳过多导致以及对病危患者呼吸循环系统的抢救、复苏以及治疗起到决定性的作用。 本文通过图书馆查阅资料、网络上查查找相关的参考文献并且询问专业老师,找到一定的参考材料,为文章的书写奠定了一定的基础。 随着科学的不断进步,人气管道的运用也在医疗当中越来越重要。为此,在平时的会当中,应该遵守标准的操作法规,并且严格的执行,并且具备一定的处理能力。最为一种重要的医疗手段,医护人员应该培养自身的责任意识,做到安全有效的操作。 因此,呼吸道在脱机后的日常护理受到更多的关注。本文就此进行深入的分析,得出结论。 关键词:人工气道;脱机;日常护理 ABSTRACT With the growth of our national economy, Chinas science and technology also in the rapid development, the level of diagnosis and treatment of medical also in the rapid development, dying in the patients rescue success rate in the rapid growth, this phenomenon, improve management level and popularity of the pipeline has a cut can not be happen relationship. The establishment of artificial airway is in maintain airway patency, eliminate respiratory secretions, in order to ensure support enough, to avoid too much carbon dioxide cause of critically ill patients with respiratory and circulatory system of rescue, recovery and treatment to the decisive role. This article through the library to consult the information, the network search to find the relevant reference and to inquire the professional teacher, to find a certain reference material, for the article to lay a certain foundation. With the continuous progress of science, the use of the popularity of the pipeline is also increasingly important in medical care. To this end, in peacetime, it should comply with the standard operating regulations, and strict implementation, and have a certain ability to handle. The most important means of medical treatment, health care workers should develop their own sense of responsibility, to achieve safe and effective operation. Therefore, the respiratory tract in the offline after the daily care received more attention. This article carrie


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