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2017 44 3 790798 China A nim al H usbandry Vete r inary M e d ic ine doi cnki j 2 PCVGenBank PCV PCR PCV PCV bp bp PCV GenBank PCV PCV ORF ORF ORF PCVb PCVd PCVa PCV S A Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Complete Genomes of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 PCV2 Jiangxi Strains CAI Gaofeng LI Kai Z HANG Li WANG Weisong HE Houun j College of A nimal Science and Technology Jiangx i A g ricultural Univ ersity N anchang China Abstract In order to understand the epidemiology and evolution of PCV in Jiangx i province a air of primers w as desig ned according to the PCV ene sequence published in GenBank Af ter p g PCR amplification w e got the w hole genome sequence of strains PCV isolates and the nucle otide and protein sequences w ere analyzed the genetic evolutionary tree w as constructed T he re sult s show ed that the complete genome of out of the strains w ere bp in leng th and one strain w as bp By analyzing the w hole genome sequences of the nucleotide the homology of nucleotide sequences of the strains w as to Compared w ith other w hole genome sequences of PCV in GenBank the homology w as to T he homology of nucleo tide sequences of the ORF of the strain w as to ORF and ORF encoding pro tein amino acid sequence had some locus mutation Phy logenetic tree analy sis show ed that the strains could be divided into enoty pes strains belonged to PCV b strains belonged to g PCVd and strain belonge


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