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2014年1月药物化学考查课试题及答案 BDCEB DABBA BCAAA CACDA 1 refers to the structure and biology necessary for metabolites are similar, with the specific enzymes in competitive reactions in normal metabolic pathway, which hinder the function of enzymes and interfere with the normal metabolism of substances. The molecular structural elements that correspond to the requirement of the main three-dimensional space properties proposed by the ligand of the ligand. 3 refers to a compound that has no pharmacological activity, but these compounds are converted into active drugs in the biological process of metabolism. It is the group that participates in the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug, which does not have significant biological activity in itself, and only determines the pharmacological properties of the drug 5 refers to a compound that presents a clear pharmacological activity of a specific target and model. Estradiol is a drug that is absorbed by the skin. Added women ovarian secretion of 17 - beta estradiol deficiency, and also can avoid the side effects caused by oral, breast tenderness, weight gain, high blood pressure, gallstones and abnormal liver function, etc.). Estrogen causes cells to synthesize DNA, RNA and various proteins within the tissue. The estrogen is mainly derived from endometrial cells and follicular granule cells. In the process of follicular development, first by LH stimulates follicular intima secrete testosterone, then through granulosa cells under the FSH stimulated into estradiol, namely double cell double gonadotrophin role model. The adrenal cortex, the placenta and the male testicles are also secreted. The definition of estrogen here is oestrogen, and after ovarian failure, estradiol drops precipitously and causes estradiol such as menopausal syndrome. Estradiol (o) estradiol C18H24O2 is a steroid estrogen. There are alpha and beta types, and alpha is a physiological function. Wintersteiner et al. 1935 has been extracted f


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