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《健康评估(乙)》模拟卷 The health assessment (b) is a simulated test 1. The temperature often above 39 ℃, temperature range for more than 2 ℃ within 24 hours, the thermal type B A. its hot b. its hot C. hot d. reheat The dilatation of the two sides of the pupil is large and is accompanied by a reaction to light that disappears in C A. atropine drugs affect b. organophosphate pesticide poisoning C. near death d. morphine The most important test result for a cervical lump is the enlargement of the thyroid gland A. the lump is beneath the thyroid cartilage C. The surface of the lump has a tubercle D. The lump moves up and down with the swallowing movement Which of the following does not correspond to haemoptysis B A. the throat tickle before the haemoptysis and the cough b. the blood is dark red and acidic There is a history of trachea, bronchial, pulmonary or heart disease A is available when the respiratory center is less excited A. stop breathing C. breathe slowly d. sit and breathe The sternum Angle is the following sign A A. associated with the second costal cartilage C. lung level d. throat level When bronchial asthma attacks, the characteristic of breathing difficulties is B A. inhalation breathing difficulties b. exhalation breathing difficulties C. mixed breathing difficulties d. paroxysmal dyspnea The lesion to the side of the trachea is B A. pleural effusion b. pleural thickening adhesion C. the lung changes d. emphysema The percussion of the chest of the emphysema should be C A. voice.a C. overtone d. sound Which of the following is not a dry-sex listening feature C A. the position is not fixed B C. the intensity and nature of the inhalation are variable The most likely diagnosis is B when the elderly patient continues to have pain in the chest, radiation to the left shoulder, and blood pressure drops A. spontaneous pneumothorax b. myocardial infarction C. acute pleurisy d. angina Which of the following cardiopathy beats the left shift C A. aortic valve closure is n


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