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临床技能考试的解说 To get to the point, because you are now almost beginning sunflower treasure dian (03 version of question bank and scoring criteria), so I need not say more, after all. I provide a common problem for reference, and for the point of operation, Im going to look at the book of the bible (to enhance the memory of the practice of ignoring practice), not verbose. By the way, you should pay attention to the communication (plus points) in the exam. An average of 80% of the questions in the exam, 20% of the questions. If youre sloppy (and feel like youre going to hang it), youre going to make a lot of money by asking questions! Begin by measuring blood pressure and palpation of superficial lymph nodes. What is the normal blood pressure reference? How to determine if hypertension? Do not palpate the groin and popliteal lymph nodes, but name the palpation position and the correct position. What is the description of lymph node enlargement? Where is the easy transfer of lung cancer and breast cancer to the superficial lymph nodes? The five main points are eye examination, the nerve name that governs eye movement, and what is the problem of the disappearance of light reflection? The thyroid palpation is required to note the swallowing and postural position, and the tri-fingering trachea. The scale of the goiter? The trachea is shifted to the right, maybe its whats going on in the chest? The thoracic (lung) part of the chest was used to be the equivalent of the death penalty, and now it is better to divide the total lung between the lungs and the lungs, and the survival rate is greatly improved. Whatever percussion, plate must be close to the proposed percussion parts, percussion refers to plate refers to the vertical, under general taps two or three, finally the percussion refers to leave plate refers to, does not affect the percussion sound. Often ask the lungs how to do it and say whats the right thing to do, or what is the normal value of the moving range in the lo


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