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保健药酒配方 Health care medicated wine formula full text online reading and TXT download share to the QQ space sina weibo baidu search hidden renren tencent weibo kaixin tencent friend baidu space douban sohu weibo MSNQQ collection with dispatch my taobao baidu post bar more... Baidus share Please go back to the home directory and use IE7 or IE8 to preview this page, and the individual files are large over 5M, please wait a few minutes and download again! Thank you very much! Health care formula - - Health care formula A fairy wine 【 composition 】 the fairy spleen 120g dodder, 60g of the old paper 60g of gold cherry and 30g of the fennel 30g, 30g, 30g, 30g, 60g, 60g, 60g, and 30g Eucommia ulmoides 30 g liquor 10000 ml 【 function 】 the kidney is strong, solid, blood and bones. [making the law] 1 put the above-mentioned herbs into a thick dust and put it into a gauze bag and put it in a clean vessel. Pour into the baijiu, soak, and cover. Put the vessels into the pan, and heat them about an hour by water. Remove vessels and seals; 5 Set up after 7 days, filter bottle to spare. 【 usage 】 15 ~ 30ml each time, 2 times a day, the wine is hot and empty. 【 herbal medicine efficacy 】 xian ling spleen, ba halberd, dodder, broken paper, ox knee, cinnamon, duzhong: the kidney is strong and strong. Golden Cherokee: tonic for kidney repair. Angelica and liguin: blood tonic. Aloe, fennel: natural gas, and the lead down. This wine has the function of kidney strengthening, solid, nourishing blood, and strengthening the muscles of the kidney, the main cure is the weakness of the lumbar knee, the lower yuan is cold, the walking is weak, the impotence, the impotence, the discharge of diarrhea and so on. The middle-aged and elderly kidneys lose money, and the blood of the underfoot can be used as a diet. Medicinal indianmulberry root wine In 18g, 18g, 18g dendrobium, 18g of dendrobium, 27g, 27g of ginger, 27g of ginger and 1000ml 【 function 】 the kidney is strong, the blood is flowing and t


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