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发生急性腹泻怎么办 What about diarrhea? What is the cause of diarrhoea? Diarrhea is a common disease summer and fall, diarrhea is a typical illness, its reason is ate by more pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, or parasites) pollution unclean food. In addition, there are part of diarrhea not because of the role of pathogenic microorganism, but because of improper diet, such as overeating, cold food, food allergies, such as seafood) factors such as diarrhea. What about diarrhea? ? Diarrhea does not promote hunger therapy, it is advisable to eat light and easy to digest liquid or semi-liquid food, and gradually transition to a normal diet after the symptoms improve. ? Dehydration is a common complication of diarrhoea, characterized by thirst, low urine, wrinkled skin, and sunken eyes. To prevent dehydration from drinking more sugar brine, it is best to buy oral rehydration salts at the drugstore. Patients who have either been dehydrated or have severe vomiting and cant drink are going to the hospital for intravenous fluids. ? Many patients with diarrhea is antibiotics, this kind of practice is wrong, because most of the diarrhea does not need antibiotics, misuse of antibiotics can lead to intestinal normal flora imbalance. If youre not sure if you should use antibiotics, go to an outpatient clinic. ? If the disease is not serious, the disease can be improved in two to three days by adjusting the diet, resting, preventing dehydration and some treatment. The severe diarrhea should be admitted to the hospital in time. ? The severely ill should leave stool specimens to be sent to the hospital for ascertaining the cause. In what circumstances should diarrhea patients be treated in the hospital? Patients with diarrhoea should go to the hospital to find out what causes the disease and take more effective treatment. ? Diarrhoea is accompanied by a high fever. ? Diarrhoea lasts more than two days, or repeated. ? Diarrhoea is accompanied by frequent vomiting. ? There is blood


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