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保胃气 Theory of stomach gas. When it comes to stomach-holding, people tend to think about the sand, the coach, the ginger, the art. However wet the middle Yang, the stomach gas lift is blocked, use the sand, the coach, the ginger, the technique helps the Yang qi to take a strong lift to lift the machine also not cannot. But the person who suffers from the damage of the stomach is to use it, it is anti-wound to the stomach, so it is necessary to help the fluid to be gasified, so it is counter-productive to use xin wen. Ye tianyi has the highest number of cases of stomach and stomach cases. In the case of the residual heat, and the stomach and the injured, the typhoid bamboo leaf gypsum method. I remember when I was practicing medicine in chengdu, I was treating two children who had had measles after the measles, one case of a child with a positive body and a normal body. The children of yangsheng have a dry cough, not to think about the food, to solve the black manure, the bad smell, the lug red and not the moss, the bamboo leaves of gypsum soup with the reed root, the yellow to the small dose in. Per dose plaster stone is no more than 15 grams, rhizoma coptidis per dose not more than 2 grams, and five agent, the children can get into food, defecate normal, and after two doses of the basic normal diet, drug withdrawal recuperate. The other children is now low thermal, nose shed light red blood, no food, red tongue, no moss, told with mulberry leaves in winter, frequency cogongrass rhizome decoction soup generation of tea drink, daily relieve symptoms, close to normal after seven days, two cases are system after hemp YinShang no food, heat the person that weigh GanHanZuo Fairbanks to cure; The hot light person USES the cold, the frequency drink tea, make the water jin 4 cloth not to form a stop drink, the function that achieves the appetizer. This is the benefit of the raw. At the same time, two children of an amateur practitioner of Chinese medicine also had measles.


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