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护理程序 Ms. Zhang, 32, is diagnosed with hepatitis a and the income hospital, because of the cold, fever, oil, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and fatigue Which form of communication does not belong to nonverbal communication A, facial expressions, B, gestures C, body movement D, body posture, E, health education materials When the nurse visited the room, he found that Mr. Zhang was not bleeding. The injection area was swollen Mr. Zhang, 72, is in a coma. The evaluation confirms that the patient has the following care issues, and you think the priority should be C A, constipation B, language communication barrier C, clean up the airways D, damaged skin integrity E, malnutrition, less than the body needs The patient is 65 years old. For 30 years, the history of hypertension was caused by emotional agitation, shortness of breath, severe pain in the left chest, and hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction. The correct nursing diagnosis is A A, chest pain: it has to do with lack of oxygen in myocardial ischemia B, emotional excitement: related to heart attack C, coronary heart disease: related to high blood pressure D, shortness of breath: pain E, myocardial infarction: a history of hypertension and emotional agitation Wei, 25 years old, suppurative tonsillitis, the doctor ordered penicillin allergy test The three elements of presentation care diagnosis are A A, problems, related factors, symptoms and signs B, diagnosis, principal and present history C, symptoms, signs and problems D, diagnosis, main narrative, relevant factors E, main narrative, diagnosis, symptoms and signs Ms. Zhang, 32, was diagnosed with hepatitis a and a hospital in the income hospital for fear of cold, fever, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and fatigue In the early stages of the protective relationship, the main task of the development of the protection relationship is D A, collect the data for the patient B, determine the health of the patient C, develop the care plan for the patient Establish trust


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