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指甲半月板与健康 There is white on the side of the nail. Is this white color good or small? According to the principle of hand diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine, fingernail root white crescent part called half moon marks. Commonly known as health circles. Is human body energy is a scale, the more energetic and mark the white, the bigger the area also. Generally young people thumb and mark is 1/5 of the nails, clear edges. Healthy circle size, size for their people, because of race. Usually male health circle is about 3 mm, female slightly small, index finger, middle finger, ring finger is wide narrow in turn descending, little finger is more than. The elderly are narrower and the malnourished often disappear. The change of the health circle is the most telling of the nutrition status of the body, it is the clue lamp of human nutrition condition. Ten fingers as long as there are eight fingers and mark, it means the energetic, like pinky has half mark said very strong vitality, such as half a mark can reduce protein and black food, such as black rice, black fungus, and so on. Try to keep the body force strong to proper exercise. What is a half-moon mark In the bottom fifth of the nail, there is a white arc, a half-moon mark, or a small sun. The half moon mark is the boundary of the Yin and Yang, which is the representative of human body, so also known as the health circle. By the development of mark of half moon, nutrition, environment, the influence of physical quality, when the digestion and absorption function for a long time, and mark will be fuzzy, reduce, or even disappear. The status of the half-moon mark shows information about the health of the human body. (2) the effect of the half-moon mark TCM theory: The gas is not consumed by the blood of the liver, and the blood does not go to the kidneys for the essence. Thats where the essence comes from. The essence is also where the energy is. The half moon mark is important because the information displayed is the


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