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[37]Said cargo spaces having been cleaned in accordance with the Regulations of the United States Coast Guard and the Code of Federal Regulations so far as applicable,and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Cargo Bureau ,Inc. This wordingis likely toappear in ______. A. CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS B. FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE C. CERTIFICATE OF CLASS D. INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE KEY: A 所述货物处所已经尽可能根据美国海岸警卫队和联邦法案进行了清洁,并符合美国国家货物 局的提案。这句话出自(货舱清洁证书) [38]That she was entered in the REGISTER BOOK of this Society,with the Character +100A1 subject to Periodical Surveys as required by the Rules is likely to appear in ______. A. INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B. FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE C. CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS OF NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU,INC. D. CERTIFICATE OF CLASS KEY: D 【该船业已录入本社船名录,标识符 +100A1服从于规则要求的定期检验】似乎出现在(船 级证书)中 [39]The agencywhich assigns load lines and issues Load Line Certificates is the ______. A. the Bureau of Shipping B. Secretary of Commerce C. the Customs D. MSA or Coast Guard KEY: A 指定载重线并颁发载重线证书的机构是{美国船舶运输局} [40]The Certificate of Inspection for a containership ______. A. is issued by the Coast Guard and is usually valid for 2years B. must be posted under transparent material nearthe officers licenses C. lists allof the stability limitations and conditions imposed on the vessel D. shows the due date of the quadrennialtest of the cargo gear KEY: A 集装箱船的检验证书A 是由海岸警卫队颁发并且2 年内有效 [41]The certificate of inspection of a vesselwill specify the ______. A. number of licensed personnel required on board B. maximum load line draft C. maximum waterdepth for drilling D. nextdate for an inclining experiment KEY: A 船舶检验证书需指定船上持证人员的数量 [42]The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various load lines of the vessel. 1 A. decks B.


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