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深圳新东方 SEAN 商务EMAIL 套路 Dear Your counter proposal on the above referenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety. We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files. We are enthusiastically looking forward to this project and are pleased about having the opportunity to work together. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER Date : _ To : _ [Customer] We are in receipt of your order as contained in the attached purchase order form. We confirm acceptance on said order subject only to the following exceptions : [Describe] _ On exceptions noted, we shall assume you agree to same unless objection is received within ten days of receipt of this notice. Thank you for your patronage. Very truly ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER WITH DELIVERY IN LOTS Date : _ To : _ [Customer] We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order of _ , 19_. The goods will be shipped to you in the following lots : [Specify lots and delivery schedule] _ We request that payment be made as each lot is received. Very truly, Dear Attached is an accepted copy of your Purchase Security Agreement for the [specify equipment]. 1 / 7 深圳新东方 SEAN 商务EMAIL 套路 There are [number] remaining quarterly payments. Your first quarterly payment will be due on [date] , and we will mail you an invoice for it approximately one month prior to that date. Please return the remittance portion of the invoice with your check. Under the Agreement , this contract is non-cancellable during the term of the contract. The balance ,however ,can be paid off at any time prior to the expiration of the contract. We would like to take this opportunity t


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