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Research Proposal 班级 学号 姓名 ⅠTitle of my thesis The Application of PowerPoint in College English Teaching 浅谈PPT在大学英语中的应用 ⅡLiterature review In the recent decades, the application of computer to teaching and learning is more and more commonplace. Teaching English as a second language or a foreign language is influenced by this computerized tendency as well. Computers are promoting the innovation of the second and foreign language instruction as they are in virtually all fields of instruction. As one presentation software package of Microsoft Office, PowerPoint is utilized widely in the educational world after its origination in the world of business, especially in the second or foreign language classroom. For instance, School of English and International Studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University has been putting the PowerPoint presentation into full effect in all the English classes. The advent of PowerPoint has revolutionized the classroom lecture significantly. It is no longer necessary for the instructor to juggle several visual aids—in particular, the chalkboard, overhead transparencies, and the VCR for showing short video clips—which have been replaced by PowerPoint technology. It enables the instructor to visually underscore important topics with written words of different font styles and colors or with pictorial images, both still and moving. Moreover, allowing students to access PowerPoint presentations outside the class ensures that standardized lecture notes can be easily distributed to large groups of students, particularly to the students who miss class and need to make up the lectures. To a great extent, the PowerPoint presentation approach with its versatility enriches existing teaching practices and opens up new ways of presenting information. In


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