海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day Section D导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day Section D导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

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海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day Section D导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day Section D 学习目标 1.预习本课单词及词组。 2.复习had better, had better not, should, shouldn’t的用法。 自测 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. You look p_______ today. Are you sick? 2. I caught a f_______ and had to lie in bed. 3. We can learn a lot on the I_______. 4. The box is too heavy. Can you help me l_______ it? 5. His illness was more s_______ than the doctor first thought. 重难点 【链接】(1)until用于肯定句,表示“直到……时;到……为止”,主句动词为延续性动词。可以与till互换。 They watched TV until midnight. = They watched TV till midnight.他们看电视一直看到午夜。 (2) until用于否定句,表示“在……之前;直到……才”, 主句动词为非延续性动词。如: Don’t get off the bus until it stops. 直到车停好才能下车。 【注意】until引导时间状语从句时,主句为一般将来时,从句应 用一般现在时表示将来时。如:I won’t leave until your mother comes back. 你妈妈回来时我才会离开。 I’m very sorry to hear that both you and your sister are sick. 得知你和你姐姐都病了,我很难过。 both… and … 意为“……和……都,既……又……”,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数。如: Both you and I were wrong. 你和我都错了。 sick意为“生病的”,可作表语,也可作定语。如: a sick boy 一个生病的男孩 The old man is sick. 那位老人生病了。 而ill表示“生病的”时常作表语,不作定语。如: 正确: Mr. Zhang is ill today. 张老师今天并病了。 错误: Mr. Wang is an ill man. 王老师是一个病人。 检测 Ⅰ.选出可以代替划线部分的选项 ( )1. He has plenty of work to do. A. lot’s of B. many C. a little D. a lot ( ) 2. I’ll take some medicine. A. has B. had C. have D. ate ( ) 3. Shall we go and play? A. Let’s B. Why not C. Why don’t D. What about ( ) 4. The doctor check over the boy at once. A. looked at B. looked after C. looked over D. came over ( ) 5. Liu Fang’s mother is ill. She stayed at home to take care of her. A. look up B. look after C. look into D. look at Ⅱ.单选 3. If you have a headache, you _______ lie down for a good rest. A. shouldn’t B. had better not C. had better D. mustn’t 4. some pills and you’ll get well. A. Pick B. Catch C. with D. Take 5.—Oh, it’s late. I must go now. —It’s raining outside. Don’t leave it stops. A. when B. after C. while D. until 6. The



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