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Pop操作就是从堆栈的顶部取出数据,即从链栈的起始处删除一个结点。要进行Pop操作,需要执行以下的步骤: 3. 出栈操作:T Pop( ) 用顺序栈解决堆栈的编程问题——对顺序栈进行操作 步骤 操作 1 检查堆栈中是否含有元素,如果没有,停止操作;否则执行下面的步骤 2 获取栈顶指示器top所指向结点的值 3 将栈顶指示器top指向单链表中下一个结点 4 栈元素个数size减1 取栈顶元素操作与出栈操作相似,只是取栈顶元素操作不改变原有堆栈,不删除取出的元素。 4. 取栈顶元素:GetTop() 用顺序栈解决堆栈的编程问题——对顺序栈进行操作 步骤 操作 1 检查堆栈中是否含有元素,如果没有,停止操作;否则执行下面的步骤 2 获取索引top中的值 小结 在本章中,你已经学到: 堆栈(Stack)是一种特殊的线性表,是一种只允许在表的一端进行插入或删除操作的线性表。栈的主要特点是“后进先出”; 堆栈的插入操作也称为进栈或入栈,堆栈的删除操作称为出栈或退栈; 允许插入和删除的一端称栈顶(Top),不允许插入和删除的一端称栈底(Bottom); 堆栈的基本操作; 顺序栈用一片连续的存储空间来存储栈中的数据元素; 链栈是用链式存储结构存储的栈。 * * * * * To start the session, you need to get a set of playing cards in the class. Follow the instructions as given below to begin the game of Rummy. 1. The game begins by dealing a fixed number of cards to all players. The remaining cards are placed face down to form a “stock” pile. 2. There is also a face-up pile called the “discard” pile. 3. Initially, the discard pile contains only one card which is obtained by picking the topmost card from the stock pile. 4. Each player can draw either the topmost card of the stock pile or the topmost card on the discard pile to make a valid sequence in his/her hand. 5. After this, the player must discard one card on top of the discard pile. 6. The next player, can then draw either the topmost card of the draw pile or the topmost card of the discard pile. 7. Therefore, if a player has to draw a card from the discard pile, he/she can draw only the topmost card of the discard pile. 8. Similarly, when a player has to discard a card, he/she must discard it on the top of the discard pile. 9. The discard pile can therefore be considered a Last-In-First-Out list. 10. The last card placed on top of the discard pile is the first one to be drawn. 11. To represent and manipulate this kind of a discard pile in a computer program, you would like to use a list that: a. Contains the details of all the cards in the discard pile. b. Implements insertion and deletion of card details in such a way that the last i


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