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38 1 42 Wool Textile Journal 2010 1 马顺彬, 吴佩云 (, 226007) : , , : ; , , , ; , ; , , ; : ; ; ; ; : TS101921 : A : 2010) Identification and performance analysis of bamboo pulp fiber and viscose fiber MA S unbin, WU Peiyun ( Nantong Textile VocationalTec nology College, N antong 226007, C ina) Abstract: T is paper identifies t e bamboo pulp fiber and viscose fiber by burn ing met od, estmi ating met od by m icroscope, infrared radiation spectrum met od, dissolution m et od, and t en analyzes comparatively of bamboo pulp fiber and viscose fiber from t e morp ological c aracteristics, mec anical properties, friction properties, crmi p elasticities. T e results s ow t at: it is d ifficu lt to identify t e bamboo pu lp fiber and viscose fiber by dissolution m et od; t e initialmodu lus of bamboo pu lp fiber is ig er t an viscose fiber, t e strengt and elongation rate of bamboo pulp fiber are close to viscose fiber, it is c aracterized w it low strengt , w et strengt is more low er; t e static friction coefficient of bamboo pulp fiber is low er t an viscose fiber bewt een fiber and fiber; T e difference betw een static friction coefficient and dynam ic friction coefficient of bamboo pu lp fiber is low er t an viscose fiber, t is s ow s t at t e co esion force of bamboo pu lp fiber is inferior to viscose fiber, but t e glid ing property of bamboo pu lp fiber is better t an viscose fiber; t e crmi p ratecrmi p elastic recovery rate and residual crmi p rate of bamboo pulp fiber are allmore t an viscose fiber. K ey words: bamboo pu lp fiber; viscose fiber


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