新概念第二册lesson44 through the forest.ppt

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新概念第二册lesson44 through the forest

Lesson 44 Through the forest Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk (she was taking)( when she ran through a forest after two men). ★risk n. 危险,风险 take risk (of) :冒...风险 我父亲从不冒险做任何事情。 My father never takes risk of doing anything. Byrd冒着飞机坠毁的风险成功的飞越了南极。 Byrd took a risk of crashing and successfully clear the South Pole. Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk (she was taking)( when she ran through a forest after two men). ★run after 追赶;追随;追求 警察们正在追赶一个贼。 The police are running after a thief. 那个男孩曾经追求过一个印度女孩。 That boy once ran after an Indian girl. run behind 在某人后面跑 I ran behind him. run to 跑向 They had rushed up to her (while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children )and tried to steal her handbag. ★ rush up to sb. 迎面冲向某人 up向上,面对面,与说话人相反方向 down方向相同,与说话人相同方向 go down this street 沿着这条街走 那个小孩迎面冲向了他的妈妈。 That kid rushed up to his mother. 当一条大狗迎面向我冲来时,我吓了一大跳。 When a big dog rushed up to me, I got a big shock. They had rushed up to her (while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children )and tried to steal her handbag. ★ at the edge of 在……的边上 公园位于这座城市的边上。 The park lies at the edge of the town. 他躺在了床边。 He lies at the edge of the bed. In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees. ★ in ones possession = in the possession of sb. “为某人所拥有……” 这无尽的平原为一位老人所有。 The endless plain is in the possession of an old man. 这座房子过去为我所有,但现在它为一位老妇人所有。 The house used to be in my possession, but now it is in the possession of an old lady. Mrs. Sterling got so angry (that she ran after them). so (adj./adv.) that … “如此…以致…” such a/ an (n.) that… She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. ★breath n. 呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 waste ones breath 白费口舌 in one breath 片刻, 转眼间 He finished water in one breath. 他一口气把水喝完了. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 bad breath 口臭 You have a bad breath. 你有口臭. (When she ca


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