2013新版八年级英语上 Unit5_Do_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show导学案--malasong.doc

2013新版八年级英语上 Unit5_Do_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show导学案--malasong.doc

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2013新版八年级英语上 Unit5_Do_you_want_to_watch_a_game_show导学案--malasong

课题:Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Period 1 ( Section A 1a—2c) 教学目标:1.单词…from…., plan/hope to do sth. 2.谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称3. What do you think of game shows? I like them. / I love them. / I don’t like them. / I can’t stand them. /I don’t mind them. 教学重、难点:1.学会询问他人对某事物的观点正确表达自己的看法--What do you think of game shows? I like them. / I love them. / I don’t like them. / I can’t stand them. /I don’t mind them. 2.学会制定计划的表达。 Do you plan to watch the news tonight? 学习内容 学生学习记录或教师备课 导入Do you like to watch TV? --Yes ,I do . --What kind of TV program do you know? Guide students to say some TV programs. 二、预习指导 1.预习页单词,理解意思。1.个人自读,记忆单词. 2.小组互相检查读、写情况. 3 .写出下列单词并展示. 计划_________ 希望__________ 预料__________ 忍受___________ 情景喜剧_____________ 新闻___________肥皂剧________________ 教育的,有教育意义的___________ 找到,查明___________ 4.在小组内核对答案. 5.完成1a 将单词与图画匹配. (二)预习检测 1.同桌互相提问。2. 脱口秀 肥皂剧 游戏节目 体育节目 才艺表演 不喜欢 不介意 不能忍受 3.两人一组合作1c。 三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)1b听力练习,了解马克对电视节目的看法两人一组合作1c, 要求用其他词语替换练习。 A:What do you want to watch? B:What do you think of… A: … B: Then let’s watch… 3、两人一组1c。 4、2人一组朗读2a单词,明确汉语。 听录音,完成2a将听到的电视节目排序并相互核对答案。 5、听录音,完成2b部分的句子并相互核对答案。 四、总结 What do you think of…?=How do you like…?你认为…怎么样?/你觉得…怎么样? 五、’s great! A. think B. like C. think of D. look like (3)I the sitcom. It’s too long. A. like B. don’t mind C. can’t stand D. love (4)Can you help me what time the train leaves? A. find out B. look for C. watch D. see (5)I like watching news. I want to know what is around the world. A. go on B. goes on C. going on D. went on (二)根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示, 完成单词拼写。1. —What do you t____________ of your English teacher?—We love her very much. 2. I can’t s____________ soap operas. They’re boring. 3. He doesn’t ____________ (介意) sitcoms. 4. In f____________, I’m a little hungry now. 5. T


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