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Step 1: Warming-up / Revision /Lead-in 1、师生问候与游戏 T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Ss:… T: Do you like playing games? Let’s play a game, OK? Ss: OK. T: Play the game-“Many many how many ?” 全班一起说:Many many how many?由两个学生进行比赛用手指出示数量,谁能更快说出两个人手指数量的总和就算胜利,赢的人再找别人挑战。 2、利用猜猜看复习已学表示食物的词汇, 提出学习任务. T: I came to Xiamen yesterday,and I went shopping. (师板书课题“Shopping”并带读) Can you do some shopping in English? After this lesson, we can do it! I went to the Woerma Supermarket. I bought many things. (师拿出装有单词卡片的小篮子) Do you know what`s in my basket? Please guess, OK? 学生猜一猜食品袋里的物品,如:banana、apple、orange、fish、cheese等,并教学新单词:food,cheese,同时复习:Do you like…? T:拿出一张对折好,露出一个角的单词卡片问学生: What` this? S1:… T:What`s this? S2: … T:Do you like…? S2:… 示意学生用Do you like…? 来询问老师的喜好. 3、把食物放进冰箱里. 课件展示各种食物如:banana、apple、orange、milk、fish、cheese等,及两个冰箱(how many 和how much), 让学生根据可数和不可数名词的规则将食品放进相对应的冰箱里。 T: We should put these food into the refrigerator. There are two refrigerators, one is “How many”,the other is “How much?”教授“How much” T: Can you put the food into the refrigerators? T: How many apples? How much fish? 教师先示范将苹果和鱼放入相应的冰箱里,再由学生尝试将食物放进冰箱里 Step 2: Presentation 与学生谈论在 “supermarket”里的所见所想所需. T: Ok. We can buy these things in a supermarket. Do you want to go to the supermarket? Ss: Yes. T: Let’s go to the supermarket and have a look. 教师用课件展示超市,师生围绕课件内容进行交流。 T: What can you see ? S1: … S2: … S3: … T: What do you want ? S1: I want … T: How many do you want? S2: I want …. T: 教授单词kilo. Step 3: Learning 1、视听对话,整体感知和理解 ( 1 ) 教师在让学生听第一遍对话之前布置如下任务: T: Our good friends Ms Smart and Lingling will go shopping. Let`s listen and do activity1. 教师把题纸分发给学生,学生在听、看对话前先看一遍问题。 T:What does Ms Smart want? What does Lingling like?You can do it on the paper. ( 2 ) 视听第二遍学生检查答案, 视听之后,回答问题并核对答案 2、学习对话。 T: Now listen and repeat and find out the sentence with“How many…?”. 学生跟读对话,在读中提出学生不理解的词(如:“need”“shopping list”) 3、巩固对话。 T:Have you found out the sentence with“How many…?” (1)让学生找出“How many~”的句子,教师将重点句板书在黑板上,并带读,第一


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