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查看更多 understanding of how the systems work help you understand how the automobile works .了解各系统如何工作有助于了解汽车是如何工作的。 2.these support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.它们支撑着车身,并缓解由于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适型和操作稳定性。 3.The purpose of an automobile engine is to supply the power needed to move the vehicle. 汽车发动机的功用是提供汽车行驶所需的动力 4.The internal combustion engine is a device used to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into heat energy .and then convert this heat energy into usable mechanical energy .内燃机是一种将燃料的化学能转化为热能,再把热能转化为可利用的机械能的装置。 5.The amount of air/fuel mixture allowed to enter the cylinder determines the power and speed developed by the engine .进入汽缸中的可燃混合气体的数量,决定了该发动机的功率和转速。 6.Reducing friction to minimize wear and loss of power is the primary job a lubrication system must perform.减少摩擦,降低磨损和动力损失是润滑系统必须完成的主要工作。 .The clutch which includes the flywheel ,clutch disc ,pressure plate ,springs , cover and the linkage necessary to operate the clutch is a rotating mechanism between the engine and transmission .离合器是位于发动机和变速器之间的一个旋转装置,它包括飞轮,离合器摩擦片,压盘。压紧弹簧。离合器盖以及操作离合器所需要的连接杆件等。 8.To start the engine Or shift the gear ,the driver has to depress the clutch pedal with the purpose of disengagement the transmission from the engine .at that time .the driven members connected to the transmission input shaft are either stationary or rotating at a speed that is slower or faster than the driving members connected to the engine crankshaft .为了启动发动机或换挡,驾驶员必须踩下离合器踏板以便于实现变速器和发动机的分离,此时。与变速器输入轴相连的离合器从动件可能处于静止状态,也可能以一定的速度旋转,这一速度可能高于或低于与发动机相连的离合器主动件的旋转速度。 9.either way .pushing the pedal down operates the disengagement mechanism which puts pressure on the fingers of the clutch diaphragm via a release bearing and cause the diaphragm to release the clutch plate .无论采用哪种方式,踩下踏板,操纵分离机构,通过分离轴承对离合器膜片弹簧施加压力。均可以解除膜片弹簧对离合器盘的压紧! 10.The modern automatic transmission consists of many components and systems that are designed to work together in a symphon


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