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琼 州 学 院 QIONGZHOU UNIVERSITY 2016届本科毕业论文 浅谈弹窗广告的利弊 —以淘宝为例 学 院: 人文学院 专 业: 新闻学 学 生 姓 名: 姜 波 班 级: 1 学号 指导教师姓名: 周涛 职称: 讲师 日 期: 2016年5月 琼州学院教务处 二○一六年五月制 浅谈弹窗广告的利弊 ——以淘宝为例 摘要 随着网络购物的快速发展,淘宝网已经成为了家喻户晓的购物网站。自2003年5月10日成立以来,淘宝网基于诚信为本的准则,从零做起,在短短的2年时间内,迅速成为国内网络购物市场的第一名,占据了中国网络购物70%左右的市场份额,创造了互联网企业发展的奇迹。比起其他购物网站或者购物平台,淘宝已经是当之无愧的“领头人”。而淘宝之所以能够发展的如此迅速并占据庞大的网络市场与其独特的宣传方式——弹窗广告是分不开的。 本文从弹窗广告的特点及其优劣势入手,采用案例分析法、对比分析法等研究方法对弹窗广告对于淘宝的影响进行研究。从淘宝本站、淘宝卖家及网民受众三个角度研究淘宝弹窗广告对其影响,分析淘宝使用弹窗广告对上述三个层面的利弊。目前淘宝发展势不可挡,研究其宣传方式能够供其他购物平台或网站借鉴并对其弊端加以改善,具有一定的现实意义。 关键词 网络购物;淘宝;弹窗广告;广告 Discuss the pros and cons of pop-up ads ——In taobao, for example ABSTRACT With the rapid development of online shopping, taobao has become a household shopping website. Since its inception on May 10, 2003, taobao rules based on honesty, starting from scratch, in just two years time, quickly became the first domestic online shopping market, occupy the network shopping around 70% market share in China, created the miracle of the Internet enterprise development. Compared to other shopping sites or shopping platform, taobao is worthy of leader. While taobao can develop so fast and occupy large network market with its unique way of propaganda, pop-up ads are inseparable. This article from the characteristics and the advantages and disadvantages of pop-up advertisements, using the methods of case analysis, comparative analysis to study the effects of pop-up ads on taobao. From taobao site, taobao sellers and users audience research angles of taobao, the influence of pop-up ads analysis taobao use pop-up ads on the pros and cons of the above three aspects. Taobao now development is unstoppable, and study its propaganda way can provide refe


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