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大工13秋《工程力学(一)》在线作业3(国外英文资料) 13 engineering mechanics (1) online assignment 3 Test scores: 100 test time: - score: 82 Problem of choice One, single topic (10 questions, 60 minutes). Score: 42V 1. Cut open a beam or single node, which is the equivalent of removing () an extra constraint. 1 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 points: 6 The shear force of C on the cross section C is (). A. F / 2, B. - F / 2 C. f. D. not sure 6 points: 0 The following statement about the virtual work of the variable form is incorrect (). The force must be balanced The displacement must satisfy the imaginary displacement condition There is a link between the two states of force and displacement D. The variable form of any force - deformation relationship 6 points: 6 When using the moment distribution method to calculate the unmoved frame, the transfer coefficient is () if the distance of the straight bar is the directional support. A. 0 B. 0.5 1 C. D. 1 6 points: 0 The reasonable axis of the three-hinged arch is () under radial uniform load. A. arc line B. a parabolic C. catenary Sine curve A full mark: 6 The following options are not the prerequisite for the displacement of the graph multiplication (). A. A The physical parameters of each bar section are constants C. At least one of the integrand is linear D. Two integrand functions are linear figures 6 points: 0 The stationary structure of the seat moves (). The rods are not deformed and have no displacement The rods are not deformed, and the structure has displacement The rods are deformed and have no displacement D. The rods are deformed and the structure has displacement 6 points: 6 When symmetry is used against force, the shear diagram of the structure is (), the bending moment diagram (). A. symmetry, opposition Symmetry, symmetry The opposite is symmetrical D A full mark: 6 The basic unknown quantity of the displacement method is (). A The pole ends the moment C. Independent node displacement D 6 points: 6 The coefficient RJK in the typical equa


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